The Unflushables Book Review


By Ron Bates

    The Unflushables is about 13-Year old Sully Stringfellow. He was born to be a plumber, and whenever he tries to stop his plumbing habits, he just gets caught up again. He lives in Nitro City, where a nitroglycerin factory blew up decades ago and caused sewer monsters to be created. In Nitro City, being a plumber is super dangerous because of the job to fight the monsters, which made the plumber’s end up admired. Well, until a corporation called Ironwater rose up and offered their help for unfair prices and framed The Plumber’s League of UnNaturaly Gifted Exeptionals, P.L.U.N.G.E, for being illegal and the corporation accused P.L.U.N.G.E of leading raids to break pipes in the sewer.

    Sully’s principal, Leonard, lets Sully help with school plumbing work when trouble arose, such as when there was the Phantom Clogger, an individual that smokes torpedos, clogging toilets. But one day, Sully’s Grandpa, Big Joe, leads him to a restaurant called the Golden Poo where he finds out his grandpa is actually a plumber hero named the Midnight Flush, probably the most famous hero of them all. Then he finds out Ironwater’s pipes are close to bursting and he has to stop them from doing so.
    The only way to do so is a device named Merv, which can release all the pipe water in the sewer. The problem is the Nitrodome, an Ironwater facility where the main pipe is located. It is supposedly unreachable, but the Moleman, an old Underworld villain of the sewer, has built a machine they get called the Death Flush 4000 that can flush you into the Nitrodome. They eventually get a plumber named Max Bleeker to go down the Death Flush, but after he gets swarmed by sewer monsters Sully runs on to the Moleman alone. He gets there and while 3 people including the Moleman fight Ironwater employees, Sully dives into the toilet.

    He ends up running away from even more Ironwater employees and finds out that Muta-Nix waste is dumped in the Nitrodome. Then he finds out something sinister, Herman Wiest, the chairman of Ironwater, is actually a sewer villain called the Human Waste! He ends up running away from him and uses a drain snake to attach Merv, who starts flooding the place. Sully then finds an invisible ladder that leads to a door to get out of the Nitrodome and runs away from a huge eel. Then he gets out and so does the eel, he ends up using the Party Pooper 3000, burying the eel with parts of a statue. Sully becomes a member of P.L.U.N.G.E and is a hero. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars because of the action and potty jokes.
