Invisible Emmie Book Review

Invisible Emmie
By: Terri Libenson

I got Invisible Emmie at my class library. I was looking for a comic with a great story or humor in it and I found this book. Emmie is a shy girl who only has one friend named Brianna, or Bri for short. She isn’t usually picked on, but in the book a note goes out, a love note she wrote about a boy she likes named Tyler Ross. Then she gets picked on a lot by a boy named Joe Lungo who jokes about her note.

I think me and Emmie aren’t alike because I am not shy. I can be shy at times but I am more outgoing and have more friends. The next reason is that I am not picked on. I think people start getting bullied more in middle school while I am still in elementary school. The last reason is that I am very humble and don’t tell secrets without alerting everyone possible. Read Invisible Emmie to find out what happens with the note. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.
