Amulet #1: Stonekeeper Book Review

Amulet #1: The Stonekeeper

By: Kazu Kibuishi

    Amulet #1: The Stonekeeper is about a girl named Emily who lives with her brother, Navin, and her mom. They move from a city life, to a country house in a small town following a car accident that claimed the life of her father. When cleaning the house, Emily and Navin find an amulet that Navin ties around Emily’s neck. When the power goes out, the family camps inside and her mom hears a sound in the basement. She tells Emily and Navin to stay inside while she goes down, but after their mom goes down, Emily decides to follow her with Navin. They go down a staircase that disappears into a new world where they try to get their mom back. They find out she was swallowed by a strange creature and got poisoned by a needle that injected poison into her. They also find out that Emily’s amulet is magical; their great-grandfather asks her if she wants to be the owner of the amulet and become a stonekeeper. She says, ”Yes,” when he dies and she locates and rescues her mom. Because her mother is poisoned, she goes to a nearby city in this strange world to get medical attention for her poisoned mother.

    My favorite character in Amulet #1: The Stonekeeper is Emily because she acts like a leader with her brother and her great-grandfather’s robots which she inherits when she becomes a stonekeeper. When she rescues her mother she acts like the robot’s leader and cooperates with them. Emily also is my favorite character because she didn’t care if she had to fly through a dangerous tunnel to get to her dear mother. She decided to do it anyway to save her mother because of their strong bond. I recommend this book to everyone who is a fan of comics. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.
